The effect of H$_{2}$O on the sulfation of Havelock limestone under oxy-fuel conditions in a thermogravimetric analyser


Abstract: A gas mixture representing oxy-fuel combustion conditions was employed in a thermogravimetric analyser to determine the effect of water vapor and SO$_{2}$ concentration on limestone sulfation kinetics over the temperature range of 800 to 920 °C. Here, experiments used small samples of particles (4 mg), with small particle sizes (d$_{p}$ < 38 μm) and large gas flow rates (120 mL/min@ NTP) in order to minimize mass transfer interferences. The gas mixture contained 5000 ppm$_{v}$ SO$_{2}$, 2% O$_{2}$, and the H$_{2}$O content was changed from 0% to 25% with the balance CO$_{2}$. When water vapor was added to the gas mixture at lower temperatures (800-870 °C), the limestone SO$_{2}$ capture efficiency increased. However, as the temperature became higher, the enhancement in total conversion values decreased. As expected, Havelock limestone at higher temperatures (890 °C, 920 °C, and 950 °C) experienced indirect sulfation and reacted at a faster rate than for lower temperatures (800-870 °C) for direct sulfation over the first five minutes of reaction time. However, the total conversion of Havelock limestone for direct sulfation was generally greater than for indirect sulfation.

Keywords: Oxy-fuel combustion, sulfation, limestone, water vapor

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