Determination of the Nutrition Contents of the Wild Plants Used as Vegetables in Upper Çoruh Valley


Abstract: This study was undertaken in order to investigate wild plant species locally consumed as food in Upper Çoruh Valley. The plant species were collected in the late winter and spring, and their taxonomic identifications were made. The plants identified were Plantago minor L., Polygonum bistorta L., Astrodaucus orientalis L., Camelina rumelica Boehm., Lathyrus tuberosus L., Galium rotundifolium L., Chenopodium album L. and Chenopodium album L. Analyses were carried out to evaluate the nutritional values of the plant parts. The highest dry matter, ascorbic acid, nitrogen, protein, phosphorus and potassium contents were determined to be 20.87 g.100 g^{-1} , 161.25 mg.100 g^{-1}, 1.08 g.100 g^{-1}, 6.75 g.100 g^{-1}, 66.09 mg.100 g^{-1} and 1544.38 mg.100 g^{-1} in L. tuberosus, respectively. A. orientalis had the highest iron (7.12 mg.100 g^{-1}), manganese (0.90 mg.100 g^{-1}) and copper (0.47 mg.100 g^{-1}) contents. C. album was the richest in magnesium and sodium contents. Calcium was abundant in all species. The maximum amount of zinc was determined to be 1.57 mg.100 g^{-1} in C. rumelica.

Keywords: edible wild plants, nutritional value, Çoruh Valley

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