Nitrate Reductase Activity in Verbascum L. ( Scrophulariaceae) Species from the Eastern Mediterranean in Dependence on Altitude


Abstract: Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was investigated in diferent parts of some Verbascum L. species ( Scrophulariaceae) collected from different altıtudes of Uludag Mountain, Bursa Turkey. NR activities were compared with respect to (1) different plant organs, (2) different Verbascumspecies and (3) samples collected from different altıtudes (120-1850 m). The highest levels of NRA were found for all species in the leaves. Significant differences were determined between the samples collected from different altıtudes. Despite the NRA is the highest in V. olympicum Boiss., it is the lowest in V. lagurus Fisch. & Mey. Furthermore the correlation between NRA values in aboveground organs of species and altıtude is significant.

Keywords: Nitrate Reductase Activity, Verbascum L. species.

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