Reproductive biology of the critically endangered endemic plant Erodium somanum in Turkey


Abstract: The reproductive characteristics of Erodium somanum (Geraniaceae), a critically endangered endemic species, were investigated in order to evaluate the main factors that affect its reproductive success and to evaluate their importance on its conservation. The estimated pollen/ovule ratio was calculated as 1187. Pollen viability and stigma receptivity experiments showed that stigma receptivity and pollen viability were high and synchronous throughout the anthesis. E. somanum is a strictly dioecious species and pollinated by insects. Flower visitors in the studied populations were mostly beetles and ants. The average percentage of fruit formation for each plant was determined as 46%. Capacity of seed production for each plant was 36%. Seed viability and germination success were determined as 81% and 80%, respectively. When combined, the capacity of viable and germinative seed production for each plant was determined as 29%. The factor that most affects the reproductive success is thought to be the low density of pollinators. With the direct and indirect effects, population viability seems considerable.

Keywords: Erodium somanum, reproductive biology, endangered endemic species, dioecious plant, conservation needs

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