Taxonomic revision of the genus Poa L. in Iran, new additions to Flora Iranica, and a new identification key


Abstract: In this study, an identification key of Poa L. species in Iran and descriptions of all species are presented. Based on the results, 19 species and 4 subspecies of Poa are known from Iran. Two species, P. longifolia Trin. and P. sterilis M.Bieb., are new records for the flora of Iran. Some taxa such as P. versicolor Besser. subsp. araratica (Trautv.) Tzvelev and P. bactriana Roshev. subsp. glabriflora (Roshev. ex Ovcz.) Tzvelev were placed as subspecies. Poa supina Schrad. and P. aitchisonii Boiss. were not confirmed to occur in Iran since they were observed neither among the herbarium specimens nor in the localities formerly cited for the flora of Iran.

Keywords: Poa, Poaceae, taxonomy, revision, new records, Iran

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