An Effective Technique for the Production of Amphidiploid from the Natural Hybrid Festuca arundinacea Schreb. (2n=42) X Lolium perenne L. (2n=14).

Authors: Fatma ÜNAL, Şahabettin ELÇİ

Abstract: Various methods are investigated to obtain amphidiploid with the effect of colchicine from the natural hybrid (2n=28) of Festuca arundinacea Schreb. (2n=42) X Lolium perenne L. (2n=14). Making a triangular incision at the base of the hybrid clones and treating them with 0.4% colchicine dissolved in 2% DMSO (dimethyl-sulphoxide) for 24 hours proved to be the most effective method.

Keywords: Festuca arundinacea, Lolium perenne, amphidiploid, colchicine, dimethyl-sulphoxide (DMSO).(DMSO).