New lichen records from Georgia


Abstract: New records of the following 17 lichen taxa are reported from Georgia: Aspicilia esculenta (Pall.) Flagey, Caloplaca lobulata (Flörke) Hellb., Cladonia caespiticia (Pers.) Flörke, Hypogymnia farinacea Zopf, H. subduplicata (Rass.) Rass., Lecidella stigmatea (Ach.) Hertel & Leuckert, Leptorhaphis lucida Körb., Parmelia saxatilis (L.) Ach. var. divaricata Delise ex Nyl., Parmotrema arnoldii (Du Rietz) Hale, Phaeophyscia hirsuta Mereschk., Physcia biziana (A.Massal.) Zahlbr., Physconia detersa (Nyl.) Poelt, Ramalina obtusata (Arnold) Bitter, Squamarina gypsacea (Sm.) Poelt, Toninia sedifolia (Scop.) Timdal, Umbilicaria cylindrica (L.) Delise ex Duby var. tornata (Ach.) Nyl., and Xanthoparmelia tinctina (Maheu & A.Gillet) Hale. Four of the reported taxa were recorded in Vashlovani Protected Areas, East Georgia. The paper also presents a brief summary of lichen studies in Georgia since the beginning of the 19th century with all important literature sources cited.

Keywords: Lichens, new records, Vashlovani Protected Areas, Georgia, Caucasus

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