Salicylic-acid-induced recovery ability in salt-stressed Hordeum vulgare plants


Abstract: The recovery ability of barley plants from salt stress conditions was assessed using foliar application of salicylic acid (SA) in a study conducted under controlled conditions. The barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L. 'Reyhan') were subjected to saline water with varying salinity levels (tap water 0.67 dS m^{-1} as control, 3, 6, 9, and 12 dS m^{-1}) from 14 to 42 days after sowing (DAS). Then the plants were subjected to recovery treatments for 4 weeks, from 42 to 70 DAS. The recovery treatments included: non-recovery (R_0), irrigation with tap water (R_1), and irrigation with tap water + 2 foliar applications of SA with a 1-week interval (R_2). The results showed that salt stress decreased shoot and root dry weight, leaf K^+ concentration, and photosynthesis rate, while it increased leaf Na^+ concentration and free proline, soluble protein, and chlorophyll contents. These reductions were related directly to stress intensity. Both recovery treatments increased shoot dry weight, Na^+ concentration, free proline, chlorophyll content, and photosynthetic rate. Compensation of root dry weight losses due to salt stress was observed only in R_{1}. However, for other measured traits recovery ability with R_2 was greater than with R_{1}. Overall, it appeared that although recovery treatments could not fully eliminate salt-induced damages, the recovery treatment with SA proved to be very effective in alleviating the adverse effects of salt stress on barley plants.

Keywords: Recovery ability, sodium, potassium, free proline, soluble protein

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