Some Macrofungi of Isparta (Turkey)

Authors: Ahmet AFYON

Abstract: Some macrofungi collected from Isparta province between 1990-1992, have been reported. 45 taxa have been determined. The distribution of these taxa into the families are as follows: Helvellaceae 2, Morchellaceae 3, Pyronemataceae 1, Terfeziaceae 1, Polyporaceae 7, Schizophyllaceae 1, Hydnaceae 1, Boletaceae 4, Paxillaceae 1, Tricholomataceae 2, Amanitaceae 1, Agaricaceae 4, Coprinaceae 3, Bolbitiaceae 1, Strophariaceae 2, Cortinariaceae 1, Russulaceae 6.

Keywords: Mushroom, Mushroom Flora, Turkey.