Effect of Abscisic Acid Treatment on Proline Accumulation in Sunflower Leaves Depending on Concentration and Time Course

Authors: Füsun YÜREKLİ, S. Fatih TOPCUOĞLU, Suna BOZCUK

Abstract: The effect of abscisic acid (ABA) on proline accumulation in the leaves of the sunflower plant (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Istria) in relation to concentration and time course was investigated. Under controlled conditions, sunflower plants were grown in Hoagland culture solution for 25 days and then the plants were treated with three different concentrations of ABA. After ABA treatment for 24, 48 and 72 hours, the amount of proline was found to increase significantly with increasing concentration of ABA and with time.

Keywords: ABA, Sunflower, Proline.