An ethnobotanical survey in selected towns of the Mediterranean subregion (Turkey)


Abstract: This survey was carried out by face-to-face oral interviews with 379 inhabitants who agreed to be interviewed in selected localities of the Mediterranean region: Hatay (İskenderun and Narlıca), İçel (Erdemli, Tarsus, and Silifke), and Isparta (Sav). The current study was conducted to document the ethnobotanical uses of plants. In the first step of the study, demographic profiles of the informants were evaluated. Subsequently, they were asked to state whether the plants were used for therapeutic or other purposes; then detailed information, i.e. local names, parts used, methods of preparation (decoction, infusion, poultice, ointment, etc.) was recorded; and finally the plant materials were collected for authentication. All collected plant materials have been identified and deposited at the Herbarium of Faculty of Education of Hacettepe University (HEF). In the survey, uses of 88 plant taxa from 39 plant families were documented. Plant species from the families Rosaceae, Asteraceae, and Lamiaceae were reported to be the most frequently utilized. Among the 152 plant remedies documented, 38 remedies (25.0%) for gastrointestinal disorders, 30 remedies (19.7%) for respiratory ailments, and 18 remedies (11.8%) for urinary problems were the most frequently recorded.

Keywords: Ethnobotany, folk medicine, foodstuff, Mediterranean subregion, Turkey

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