Effect of Diclofenac Sodium Exposure During Fetal Life on Dorsal Hippocampal Layer Thickness of Postnatal 20 Week-Old Male Rats

Authors: Murat Çetin RAĞBETLİ, Süleyman KAPLAN, Adnan KORKMAZ, Davut ALBAYRAK

Abstract: The thickness of dorsal hippocampal Iayers of postnatal 20 week-old male rats, exposed to diclofenac sodium during intrauterine Iife, was investigated. The brains, fixed with 1 0% neutral formalin by perfusion, removed from cranium were postfixed in the same fixative for a week and embedded in paraffin. First consecutive sections obtained from blocks were stained with thionin and second with Iuxol-fast blue + neutral red which clearly demarcates Iayers of hippocampus. The thickness of Iayers was measured by an ocular micrometric disc. The mean thickness of each hippocampal Iayer in the control and the treatment group rats was compared with each other, No significant difference was found between the control and diclofenac treated groups, These results suggest that diclofenac sodium with a daily dose of 1 g/kg does not influence the thickness of hippocampal layers.

Keywords: Diclofenac sodium, foetallife, dorsal hippocampus, Iayer thickness, rat