The Effects of Some Fungucides on the Growth of Rhizoctonia repens Bernard

Authors: İbrahim ÖZKOÇ, Yasemin ÖZDENER

Abstract: In this study. the effects of some fungucides that are used widely in Samsun and enviroment with agricultural purpose on the growth of Rhizoctonia repens isolate 624. has been studied. In the culture media prepared by adding from the different concentration of each fungucides to PDA medium. it has been determined the sensitivity of fungus to them. As a result, the fungucides and their doses used has been affected variously the growth of the fungus and determined that Benomly and PCNB were the most effect fungucides respectively.

Keywords: Rhizoctonia repens, fungucide, Benomyl, PCNB, Chlorothalonile, Dithiocarbamate