A Study on the Embryonic and Larval Development of the Artificially Propagated Eggs of Alburnus orontisand Phoxinellus handlirschi


Abstract: In this study; induced breeding of the hormone treated Alburnus orontis and Phoxinellus handlirschi were carried out; embryonic development stages of the fertilised eggs and anatomical and histological development of the visceral organs of the larvae and 2 month old juveniles were also determinated under microscope. The breed fish of the A. orontiswere captured from lake Aksehir by net fishing. P. handlirschispawners were captured from Kizildere river spring by electroshock fishing. Male and female spawners were kept in the spawning tanks and raffia egg collector were used to obtain fertilised eggs. At 20°C water temperature; the morula stage was completed 11 hour after fertilisation. Formation of the head, axial skeleton and tail were observed 50 hours later. The larvae hatched 72 hours later. The total length of the newly hatched larvae was 5 mm and 1.1 mg in weight. Opening of the mouth, and anus and the yolk sac resorbtion of the larvae were completed 3 days after hatching. Although at the same water temperature morula stages were observed in the P. handlirschi eggs 14 hours after fertilisation. The germ ring was development in 30 hours, the development of head, axial skeleton and tail were completed 45 hours after fertilisation. The larvae hatched after 72 hours. Total length of the newly hatched larvae was in 4.4 mm, and 1.57 mg in weight. Opening of the mouth and anus of the larvae were also two days delayed according to the larvae of A. orontis. Oocytes were developed in the ovarium of the two months old aged P. handlirschi juveniles; but the early development of the gonads were observed in the A. orontis juveniles.

Keywords: Embryonic development, Alburnus orontis, Phoxinellus handlirschi.

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