Influence of Salinity on Growth and Yield Attributes in Chickpea Cultivars


Abstract: Seeds of 4 cultivars of chickpea (2 desi, CSG 8962 and DCP 92-3, and 2 kabuli, CSG 9651 and BG 267) were grown under 0, 4, 6 and 8 dS m^{-1} levels of salinity until maturity. Shoot and root dry weights, root shoot ratio and various yield parameters were evaluated under salinity at 40, 70 and 100 days after sowing. Salinity significantly reduced dry matter accumulation in both roots and shoots in all cultivars, though declension was more pronounced in BG 267 (kabuli) and DCP 92-3 (desi). Root growth was more adversely affected than shoot growth, which also had an impact on the root to shoot ratio. Negative effects of salinity on plant growth had an ultimate effect on ultimate plant productivity. CSG 9651 showed high levels of tolerance compared to the other cultivars. The results suggest that chickpea cultivars tolerant of salinity have better growth potential and ultimately higher yield than do sensitive ones.

Keywords: Chickpea, root to shoot ratio, growth, salinity, tolerance, yield

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