Technical and Economical Analysis of Short Distance Koller K 300 Yarder Used for the Extraction of Timber in Artvin Region


Abstract: The method used in transportation of raw forest products can be performed in two phases. The first phase is called " the minor transportation" which is the extraction and hauling of the logs from the felling areas to the landings and intermediate depots. The second phase is "the major transportation". This phase covers the hauling operation from landings and intermediate depots to the log yards or the mill yards. The forestry transportation of harvested woods from compartments is the most difficult and the most expensive operation. Since forests are generally located on high and steep slopes of mountainous area in Artvin province extraction of timber is extremely difficult procedure. The studies were carried out in the harvesting areas of Salelet Tepe and Kuvabt in forest District of Taşlıca, Beşağıl in Forest District of Saçinka and Hamamlı in Forest District of Ortaköy. As for the logging practice by Koller K 300 yarder, the productivity values for transportation of softwood, hardwood and firewood were determined as 4.997 m^3/hour, 4.755 m^3/hour and 4.620 m^3/hour (6.60 ster/hour) respectively. Furthermore, the cost of extraction of timber was calculated 6.642 $/m^3 for transportation of softwood, 6.860 $/m^3 for transportation of hardwood and 7.048$/m^3 (5.321 $/ster) for transportation of firewood.


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