The Genesis of Smectite and Palygorskite on Harran Plain's Soil Series


Abstract: This investigation was conducted for the determination of the sources of palygorskite and smectite minerals found widely in large proportions in soil series on Harran Plain. Various methods were used for isolating semectite and palygorskite minerals. While palygorskite and smectite were not succesfully separated soil samples, separation was achieved in Fatik limestone residue. While the length of palygorskite minerals was found to be 1.00-2.75 \mum and the width 0.10-0.20 \mum in limestone, the length and width of palygorskite minerals were found to be about 0.20-0.75 \mum and 0.075\mum, respectively, in soil samples. While Fatik limestone residue had a strong endothermic reaction at 170-210 °C, soil samples reacted only slightly at 150 °C only. Even though chemical analysis indicated that they were similar, DTA electron microscope data showed that palygorskite obtained from soil samples was structurally different from palyorskite obtained from residue. In light of the above data, it was determined that palygorskite from limestone was unstable in saline settling surrounding and dissolved in soil conditions and formed stable palygorskite in the present conditions.


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