Drought Resistance in Bread Wheat Genotypes


Abstract: Development of drought-resistant cultivars is one of the major goals in plant breeding programs. Twentysix wheat genotypes were evaluated for drought resistance using the criteria of leaf relative water content (LRWC), leaf relative water loss (LRWL) and drought susceptibility index (DSI) under Erzurum conditions in the crop seasons of 1995-96 and 1996-97. The results showed that differences among the genotypes in LRWC, LRWL and DSI were significant. In rainfed condition; LRWC, LRWL and DSI of genotypes ranged between 74.0-81.6 %, 0.391-0.636 g/g/s and 0.59-1.59 respectively. High LRWC and low LRWL and DSI values indicated that Dağdaş-95, Doğu-88, Haymana,-79 and Yayla-305 cultivars were more drought resistant than other genotypes. Conversely, Bezostaja-1, Karasu-90, SXL/VEE"S", Turkey-13 and Tir Wheat were the most drought susceptible genotypes.


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