Activation of the Germination on the Seeds of Some Plants


Abstract: In this study, activation experiments of germination were done in three species seeds which are naturally distributed in Turkey. Because" The stratification method" needs a long time, a new and faster germination method was sought. The results of the three species are below. Ostrya carpinifolia Scop naturally exists in the Black Sea region, Central Anatolia and as well as in Antalya, Adana and Antakya forests in the Carpinetumzone. This decidous species is from the Betulaceafamily, Coryleaesubfamily, Ostrya L. genus and can be 20m in height with an irregular canopy. Generally, it is confused with CarpinusL. and foresters do not pay sufficent attention to this species. Seeds have a germination obstacle. In order to overcome this obstacle and provide a faster germination, 5 different germination techniques were applied; Control 16% (in water); Boiling 8%, treatment with hydrogen peroxide 32 %; 64 % (P.S.- AG 30 mg / l) , 56 % (P.S Ğ K 30 mg./ l) . The Taxus baccata L is in danger of extinction and is under protection in Turkey. The result of experiments done in industrial production for germination obstacle prevention showed that the best result was obtained with "P.S.-K 35 mg/l" hormone, and the percentage of germination was 15-35 %. Rosa caninaL is important in the food sector. The result of experiments done in industrial production on the germination obstacle showed that the best results were obtained with "P.S.-AG 50 mg/l" hormone and the germination percentage was 22.2 %.

Keywords: Rosa canina L; Taxus baccata L.; Ostrya carpinifola Scop.; Germination obstacle; Activation of germination; Phytohormon.

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