Determining Air Pollution Through The Annual Rings of Trees

Authors: Yaşar NUHOĞLU, Erdal SELMİ, Burhan AYTUĞ

Abstract: The effects of the air pollution caused by Yatagan Termal Power Plant on plants determined by means of calabrian pine's annual rings. The thickness of annual rings of the calabrian pine were measured by means of cross section and carotte taken from the breast height (d 1,30) of the calabrian pine in 16 experimental areas located around the thermal power plant. When comparing the annual ring measurements made before and after the power plant had opened and in the controls, it was observed that polluters like SO2, NOx, CO, HF and PM emitted power plant from the reduced the annual ring width 8 times, and the annual increment growth 16 times in the calabrian pine forests around the thermal power plant. Thus, it was determined that it is possible to determine the harmful effects of power plants on the surrounding plants according to the narrowing which occurs in the annual rings of trees.
