The Effects of One and Two Year-Old Seedling Rootstocks on Nursery Trees Development in Apricot

Authors: S. Zeki BOSTAN, Ali İSLAM

Abstract: This study was carried out in Yüzüncü Yil University, Faculty of Agriculture, Depertment of Horticulture. In this research, the length and diameter development of 4 apricot forms on seedling rootstocks with one and two development of 4 apricot forms seedling rootstocks with one and two years old were ihvestigated. The length and diameter development on one year old rootstocks were 88.42 cm, 8.87 mm; on two year old rootstocks were 114.17 cm, 11.52 mm, respectively. There were signigicant differences between forms and rootstocks as well.


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